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I used to think “money didn’t grow on trees”, buying outside what was needed to survive was irresponsible and anxiety in the belly was the only feeling associated with money.

As a result, I lived pay week to pay week, negative amounts in my bank accounts were normal, and my choices were always limited by how much money I could scrounge together.

I was just surviving; enough to pay my rent, cover the bills and occasionally splurge at a restaurant, but that was it.

And the weird thing was, it didn’t matter how much more money I earned, my financial reality remained the same…. pretty.damn.sh*t.

It wasn't until I read this statement, that everything changed:

Financial struggle is common but not normal…….

It really threw me.

Because for most of my adult life up until that point, financial struggle was normal. And when I reflected back to my childhood, while yes my parents gave us the most incredible life, I didn’t have a memory where money was spoken about in a positive, there’s more than enough to go around, kind of way.

But this statement opened my eyes up to a new way to think, feel and be when it came to money, and I got to work.

I identified the limiting beliefs and replaced them with new ones.

I cleared my money blocks so I could be a vibrational match for more.

And I gave myself permission to be filthy f*cking rich.

I knew the moment I changed my money story, that I couldn't stop there. It became my soul’s purpose to show women from all walks of life how unlimited they could be, and that financial struggle no longer needed to be their normal either.

So here we are, my friend…

Are you ready to become

The Wealthy Woman?

Inside this brand new program, we are dedicating time to upgrade your money mindset so you can completely revolutionise the way you:

think about money,

feel about money,

make money and

spend money.

And since money plays a massive part in all of our lives, a complete life transformation will be the by-product.

Shall we take a look inside?


I know that money makes you feel stressed, you think there’s never enough of it and quite frankly, you could do with some more.

But why is that…? Where does this money reality come from?

During your first module in The Wealthy Woman, we are taking a look at your current relationship with money and going deep on the subconscious money program behind it - because, after all, it’s that program that you’re now running your life from.


It’s time to challenge the human condition when it comes to money. The programming of the average woman is that money is this material thing and how much of it we have is dependant on something “out there” - government, people, circumstances. But in fact, money is no more than just energy. Understand that, along with a method to change your energy, and now no amount of money is off limits to you.

During module two, we are learning about the energetics of money, how to attract more to you and some common money myths that have likely been getting in your way.


By the time this comes around, you would have cleared your subconscious blocks around money, which means we’re up to the fun part: manifesting more.

During this module, you’re getting access to my tried and tested methods to upgrade your money frequency and attract more into your life.


My mission has always been to change the money story of thousands of women across the globe. As a collective, I want us ALL to be wealthy and experience a life where money is in overflow. Why? Because when you’re not held back by the amount of money in your bank account, you can do some pretty incredible things. Money is a ticket to freedom.

During our final module, we are taking a look at HOW you can increase your money flow; in your business, career and life. Increasing your prices, asking for a pay rise, starting a business, having your fingers in multiple money making pies - is exactly the vibe for this module.

The Wealthy Woman extras:

  • The Wealthy Woman workbook including pages of journal prompts, exercises and The Wealthy Woman method to attract more money;

  • Guided meditations to alter your subconscious program around money;

  • Money tracks to attract wealth;

  • Bank of the Universe cheque;

  • Money date checklist;

  • Access to an exclusive group chat to ask questions.


Enrol during the early enrolment period and get bonus access to an exclusive workshop helping you MAKE MONEY THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA. The perfect addition for business owners, influencers and the content creator.

Everything you need to know

  • The Wealthy Woman takes place across six weeks.

  • You get access to four pre-recorded modules released each week for the duration of the program and one live Q&A session, along with all of the extras!

  • Your enrolment gives you lifetime access to the program.

  • Price: $880 in total (payment plans available).

What past students have manifested after doing this work: