Four years of personal development and working through my limiting beliefs

The exact method I used to define my dream life and call it into my reality

The stuff that works!



I know what it feels like to want MORE - more freedom, more wealth, more abundance, more fulfilment.

Did you just wake up one day and decide that where you are is not where you want to stay? Are you tired of seeing others living the dream, while you feel stuck on the hamster wheel of life?

Maybe fulfilment and intention don’t have a place in your world right now… but you’re ready to change that?

You are ready to be the woman with the clear vision, confident in her ability to get there; the woman that attracts abundance into her life with ease and flow; the woman of your dreams…

Does all of this sound familiar?

(**don’t worry, ive got you!)

I have created this ebook that captures everything I have learnt over the past four years with the stuff I KNOW that works, and I promise, you will not be disappointed.

As you dive into the pages of this absolute gem, you will learn how your subconscious and conscious mind operates, who has all the power and how you can get all of this power on your side to attract the life of your dreams. You will also define your vision in different areas of your life using exercises that will draw on your new knowledge of the subconcious mind and start to re-program your thoughts. Don’t worry, we also work through those voices in your head that regularly tell you that you could never live your dream life and you are not worthy of success. I promise that you will close this ebook knowing that all of that limiting self-talk is a load of BS and walk away with practices that will keep them at bay.

My whole heart has gone into this and I am SO excited for you to dive in!

Ohh it doesn’t even stop there!

Because I want nothing more than for you to start living YOUR dream life; full of abundance, flow and intention, i’ve got a few special extras that i’ve put together just for you!

  • BONUS: journal prompts that will expand your mind even further to the possibilities, call in abundance and make attracting wealth your jam. Each prompt will work in alignment with the exercises you do throughout this ebook. It’s also yours FOR FREE (there is so much value in these prompts so we are planning on making them available for sale soon - so enjoy this freebie while you can; you deserve it).

  • BONUS: meditation to guide you along in your journey to become the woman of your dreams.


  1. DEFINE your vision and exactly what you want your life to look like;

  2. LEARN the principles of manifestation and how you can start to call in everything you desire;

  3. UNDERSTAND any limiting beliefs that may have been holding you back and learn how to clear these blocks;

  4. LIVE an abundant life with more intention and flow.




  • In-depth explanation of the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind pulled from well-known literature and books;

  • Manifestation principles;

  • Exercises designed to expand your vision and make you a magnet for everything you desire;

  • Common limiting beliefs and how they typically originate (and when);

  • Exercises designed to create awareness around your own limiting beliefs and how to overcome them;

  • Gratitude jar

  • Money cheque

  • BONUS: journal prompts tailored to the different chapters in the ebook;

  • BONUS: meditation to guide you through your journey as you define your vision, work through limiting blocks and start to live as the best version of you.

Make changes now. Call in abundance now. Start living the life of your dreams now for only $12 AUD

Over 20 pages of information, practices and exercises that I have tried and tested throughout my own personal development journey over the past 4 years, and that has allowed me to step into the life of my dreams; the stuff I know that works!

And it’s now all yours!

How much is your dream life worth to you?

Please note, this was previously titled Ordinary >> Extraordinary. It has had a glow up but the content within the pages has remained the same