The academy

The program transforming women’s lives

welcome to your uplevel

You are a limitless woman who is capable of whatever it is that you desire

You are deserving of a life full of abundance in all areas

Alignment is yours

Enrol now on the 6 month payment plan
(only available until 31 May 2024).

General enrolment commences on 5 July 2024 and
The Academy starts on 15 July 2024. Payment options will include pay in full and a 3 month payment plan.

In the famous words of Coco Chanel, a girl should be two things; who and want she wants.

So tell me, how would you feel if you were truely the woman you want to be, the version of you that you know in your heart you are capable of being? How would you feel if abundance was yours; the income, the business, the gorgeous home, the relationships, the wardrobe, the car.. all of it, was no longer photos or affirmations sitting on your vision board but rather your reality?

I know you have already put one step forward, I know you have realised that you are made for more and I know you are trying. But am I right in saying that there still feels like there is such a big gap between where you are right now and where you truely want to be?

Like no matter how badly you want it, it still feels like a distant dream…

Let’s change that.

Let’s finally collapse the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Let’s live up to the words of Coco Chanel.

Beauty lies within, let’s take a look

This program isn’t about wishing and dreaming (you’ve done that). But rather, it’s about finally understanding why you’ve been stuck, why you lack belief and why you still don’t have that life despite all the effort you’ve put in. It’s about finally stepping into that next level, seeing the income, the business, the success come alive, finally.

This program is about results, change and true abundance.

I don’t intend on throwing all the facts about personal development and mindset at you, but rather I intend to hold your hand, lead you and give you all that I know as someone who has been exactly where you are right now. Someone who understands the frustration, the confusion, the lack of support, the limitations. Someone who has tried it all until I finally found what works.

What I’ve found, is there is a lot of inspiration out there on the life that can be available to you, however, what is lacking is an understanding of the mindset shifts and re-alignment that may need to occur. We tend to miss out on getting the full picture of the person we need to be in order for that next level to occur. It doesn’t just stop at creating the vision of what you want, but rather extends into deep rooted subconscious beliefs, learning how to embrace new thinking patterns, understanding things like your menstual cycle, your boundaries and who you are at the core so that you can live in flow and not resistance.

Yes there are books and podcasts and instagram pages that will give you bits and pieces of the puzzle, but what this mentorship does (which I honestly haven’t come across before) is brings it all together so you can really be abundant and aligned.

what we’ll cover

  • You weren't put on this earth to play small, and I know you know that too. We get ONE life to really make it count and it all starts right here. Inside this module the dreamer in you will be unleashed to create a vision so far from mediocre.


    >> Define your vision and what you want your life to look like right down to the minor details so that this becomes your driver even on the days you feel like giving up;

    >> Establish your core values to ensure your vision aligns with whatever it is that you want more of in life;

    >> Learn the blueprint to bring this vision into fruition so it is no longer just a dream but rather your future;

    >> Take away exercises that will show you how to create anchors so the vision becomes so real in your mind before it is in your reality, which in turn will accelerate your results.


    So you know what you want your life to look like but no matter how badly you want that, you still aren't seeing results? Welcome to module two where we are going to change that. In order to live out the life of your dreams, your subconscious mind needs to be onboard so, we are going to dive into what is going on at a subconscious level and begin to rewire it so it supports and no longer sabotages.


    >> Understand the function and role of the conscious vs subconscious mind;

    >> Learn the role the subconscious mind has in creating your life experiences;

    >> Access your subconscious mind, speak its language and provide it with a new conditioning to seek out and attract more of what you want.

  • Just like you need to tune a radio into a particular frequency to listen to music, your energy must be tuned in order to manifest what you want. So what radio station have you been tuned into and what adjustments do you need to make to listen to something different?


    >> Understand the concept that you are just energy, and get familiar with your energy centres;

    >> Establish any blocks in one or more of your energy centres which may be distorting your perception of reality and what you attract;

    >> Heal any energetic blocks causing an interference in your energy flow, and therefore magnetise you to your desires;

    >> Learn about the Law of Attraction and how you can use this principle to manifest your dream life;

    >> Understand quantum physics and shift into the realm of the quantum field where all possibilities exist.


    Story time. You buy an iPhone 11. Your friend has an iPhone 13. This said friend tells you about a function on their phone, which you cannot see on yours. You take it into Apple and advise them of the problem. The friendly IT whiz says you simply need to update your phone and then you will also see this function. Your mind is like an iPhone 11, programmed to perform it’s functions. In order to do something different, an update in software needs to occur.


    >> Understand how your childhood experiences formed your programming, which is influencing your beliefs, thoughts, behaviours and results;

    >> Become aware of what your programming is and how it’s still running in your present life;

    >> Learn how programming and trauma is stored in the body, and what it manifests into;

    >> Download the new software you need to create the life you want.

  • Repeat after me: “I AM A MILLIONAIRE”. Now repeat the statement again and imagine it’s true. Feel like a millionaire.

    I bet that was a little hard, right? Like the thought of you actually being a millionare seems a bit far fetched, or like a dream that’s so far away you don’t really believe it could be true?

    If you’re nodding right now, you are not alone. You are also not wrong for having major disbelief in your ability to have financial overflow. Why? Because you have literally been programmed to think money is a limited resource, and large amounts of it are out of your reach. The ripple effect this has on your business, bank accounts and your relationship with money is real. But not for much longer.


    >> Learn about the energetics of money and how to attract more to you;

    >> Understand your current money blueprint and the influence this is having on your relationship with money (and therefore your results);

    >> Upgrade your money blueprint and eliminate your money blocks;

    >> Become a magnetic to financial abundance.

  • In order to step into your dream life as the woman who is magnetic to everything you want, limiting beliefs need to go! The fear, the doubt, the constant wondering about whether you can actually make this work - all of it is no longer welcome.


    >> Learn about the common barriers getting in the way of your ability to create the life you want;

    >> Understand your own self sabotaging behaviour, how it shows up and why;

    >> Eliminate your fear of success, fear of failure and imposter syndrome by using techniques to reframe limiting beliefs;

    >> Stop self sabotage in it’s tracks so you can move to your next level, and hold onto the success.

  • There no longer needs to be a divide between where you are now, and where you want to be. In fact, the principles you learn in this module will show you the results you can achieve just by acting as if all that you desire is already here.


    >> Learn why acting as if carries so much power in your growth to your next level;

    >> Take away new exercises and routines that you can implement to raise your vibration so that you begin to attract more money, new clients, the perfect relationship, your dream home, the circumstances that will leave you winning;

    >> Gain more confidence in your ability to achieve your goals and begin to feel what your next level feels like, which in turn will accelerate it to you.

  • The world is waiting for YOUR impact, YOUR way. Let them see what you’re made of.


    >> Build your personal brand to showcase in your business, within relationships, and on social media;

    >> Learn about the comparison wound and how to put your blinkers on, knowing with confidence that your way is best;

    >> Move from a state of working for your results, to a state of attracting.

  • The money, the career, the boujee lifestyle is only one piece of this puzzle. It's the feeling of fulfilment, alignment, truely knowing yourself and being confident that you are in the right place doing what is right for you that is really the golden ticket. As woman, we seem to constantly place pressures on ourselves, lack boundaries and fear the hormonal rollercoaster we meet eachmonth without remembering that we get to be in control. Here we strive for true alignment with all that makes up us and our life.


    >> Gain a better understanding of the four stages of your menstrual cycle and how to live in alignment with it;

    >> Learn how to set boundaries (guilt free);

    >> Balance masculine and feminine energy, and learn how to connect more to your femininity while still being powerful AF;

    >> Increase your creativity and inspiration by healing the energy centre associated to your sexuality and pleasure

* Manifestation Morning Masterclass

This is your invitation to leave behind anything you have previously been told about morning routines, especially if it came from a book that oozes masculine energy. Yes, i’m talking about the 5am club, adhering to the same structured routine every single morning, and coming from a place of “I NEEEEEED TO DO THIS” During this masterclass, I’ help you curate mornings that will make you magnetic AF and feel your best.

* Meditation Magic Masterclass

As The Academy has an emphasis on upgrading your subconscious mind, meditation will become a powerful tool throughout your journey to manifesting the life you want. This masterclass will teach you how to meditate effectively and how to make this practice work for you.

* How to Journal to Manifest Masterclass

Bonus extras


  • Workshops and healing sessions over 16 weeks (including breathwork, inner child healing and subconscious reprogramming);

  • Live coaching and Q&A sessions;

  • The Academy textbook with over 100 pages of journal prompts and exercises;

  • Guided meditations;

  • Guest speakers;

  • Lifetime access!

Our Guest Speakers


    Naturopath and Women’s Health Coach

    Natasha studied at Australia’s number one natural health college and has over 5 years experience in naturopathic medicine. Natasha has a deep passion for integrating the mind and body to achieve optimal health, and has helped many clients heal, reclaim and live in their full potential.

    What you will learn from our resident guest speaker inside The Academy:

    >> The impact of stress on your mind and body, and how to heal from living in survival;

    >> Regulating your nervous system and taking back your power;

    >> The common causes of an irregular period;

    >> How to sync your menstrual cycle with your business, work, routines and exercise;

    >> What to expect when coming off contraception and returning your body to an optimal state.


    E-commerce Coach

    After creating four e-commerce businesses by the age of 24, Emily has all of the tools, knowledge and wisdom around what it takes to launch and scale your own online store. Through her own experience, she has mastered the formula to success in the e-commerce industry and is here to share it all with you.

    What you will learn from our resident guest speaker inside The Academy:

    >> The blueprint to launching a new e-commerce business; 

    >> How to source a product to sell, including a resource on where to find suppliers;

    >> Emily's tips for building a stand-out brand/e-commerce business; 

    >> Marketing do's and don'ts when it comes to advertising your business. 

Now that you know what’s IN STORE within the academy, let’s see if it’s a match made in heaven.

This program is for you if:

>> You are committed to your personal growth but need some new tools and a fresh insight to help you continue to expand to your next level;

>> You are ready to create a life full of abundance and one that is aligned with what is important to you;

>> You have a vision of how you want your life to look but may be struggling with making that vision your reality;

>> You are continuing to see the same results (or lack thereof) despite all the work you are putting in;

>> You feel overwhelmed with what is next for you and need someone to hold your hand, support you and lead you in the right direction;

>> You struggle with self-sabotage, imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs that you know are getting in the way of your success;

>> You are ready to tap into your power and take back control;

>> You are ready to work with a mentor who understands, who has walked a similar path as you and who you can trust with your investment;

>> You are ready to go all in and finally earn more, live more, grow more, be more

So, is it a match?

I hope so.


The Academy
For 6 months
One time

16 weeks to change your entire life! Enrol now and dive into the early access material before we start live on 15 July 2024. Six month payment plan only available until 31 May 2024.

✓ Workshops and live subconscious reprogramming sessions
✓ Live Q&A sessions
✓ The Academy textbook with over 100 pages of exercises
✓ Guest speaker sessions
✓ Guided Meditations


How much does it cost?

Total price is $2,940 AUD. Six month payment plan is available from 15 April 2024 until 31 May 2024. Three month payment plan is available from 5 July 2024 until 21 July 2024.

When does the program start?

The Academy will commence on 22 July 2024 with the first week being onboarding (you will receive your textbook, client pack including the schedule etc). The first module will be the following week.

What If I can’t make it to the live sessions?

You will be able to submit your questions to me in the program portal and I will answer it for you on the live session. I do recommend you try and make it live.

What time are the live calls?

Prior to commencement, you will have the opportunity to provide your time/day preference from a choice of three options. All live sessions are recorded and available in the program portal within 24 hours of the live session.

What outcome
can I expect?

Expected outcome entirely depends on you. But I have had women start businesses, resign from jobs, make more money over the 16 weeks because of the type of work I guide you through. It’s not just learning stuff but actually becoming someone different.

Is The Academy just for women in business?

No. The Academy is for ALL women ready to create change in their life. Past students have included business women wanting to increase their income, mums wanting to re-find their purpose, career women wanting to create a new path, stressed women wanting to find flow and curate better routines, plus many more. If you want transformation, it’s for you.


General enrolment for The Academy will open on 5 July 2024 and we commence on 15 July 2024.
Those on the waitlist will be notified.

what our past students are saying:

  • Why did you decide to join The Academy?

    I don’t even know where to start! The last few years I have been in a frenzied state of fight or flight- after having babies and in a constant state of overwhelm and fear. I went into the mentorship with the goal to heal and also turn around my business (I was at a point in my business of giving up). I also had the goal to get a loan approval for our dream home to be built. We have had this loan denied twice before.

    What was your experience of The Academy?

    Jess is truely gifted! She made me feel safe and secure while doing the inner work. She has a knack for picking up on where your blocks are and teaches you from start to finish how to release them and retrain your subconscious mind. She also puts it to you in a way you can understand. I had done a lot of programs and courses before The Academy but would give up before finishing them. Jess is there to pull you forward out of this pattern.

    What results did you achieve from The Academy?

    I’m a different woman, I’m way more at peace, I’ve established boundaries, I’m in my feminine now, my marriage has healed, and I’m a more patient and present mother. My business income has also doubled, I’ve had opportunities thrown at me left right and centre and Jess has helped me level up in this area to reach my income dream months- while having the life of my dreams, freedom with my kids and a peaceful balanced life. We also got approved for our dream home!

  • Why did you decide to join The Academy?

    I joined the Academy because I had been working on my business and life in every practical way I could think of, but still wasn't experiencing the level of growth I believed was possible. Through this program, I intentionally invested time to focus on my mindset, and spent time around like-minded women.

    What was your experience of The Academy?

    The Academy was a great investment. The weekly calls made it easier to keep mindset a priority, and I knew that each week I'd have a dose of good energy, with like minds, and new opportunities to reset or grow my focus. I found value in the weekly calls content, and Jess' personal insights during the 1:1 sessions were incredibly impactful. I noticed positive shifts in my life throughout and since completing The Academy.

    What results did you achieve from The Academy?

    Over my time in the Academy, I created new routines that align with the life I want to be living; that gave me more time freedom and better energy. I made changes that shifted my energy around finances, and worked through mindset blocks. I still refer to the tools we worked through in the Academy to refocus and check-in, but one of my favourite outcomes would have to be the change in my energy and clarity around my goals. I've been building my business with a goal of leaving my 9-5, and a few weeks after finishing the Academy I've now done it earlier than expected, thanks to mindset and being clear about my goals.

  • Why did you decide to join The Academy?

    I joined the Academy because Jess is exactly where I want to be in life. I had done a lot of personal development and had invested a lot into myself, however, I was still not where I wanted to be. I needed the extra help and guidance to elevate my life to that next step. At the time of starting, I was studying to become a life coach and had the goal to launch my business after The Academy.

    What was your experience of The Academy?

    The results I have gained from working with Jess is beyond amazing. I had the courage the start my own business, I quit my unfulfilling 9-5 and I was able to uncover and release old past trauma and limiting beliefs. Overall my mindset and new way of thinking is unmatched and now I know nothing is ever off limits and I can create and have anything I desire in life.

    What results did you achieve from The Academy?

    I started my own business and quit my 9-5. I’ve always wanted to have my own business but had no idea where to start and I was even questioning if it was something I could do. I now have the vision that my business is 100% going to be a multi million dollar business one day. I also had the courage to back myself 100% and quit my unfulfilling 9-5 so that I can put my energy into making myself happy and fulfilled as well as work on my business and give it my all.

  • Why did you decide to join The Academy?

    I was looking to improve my mindset, grow, and scale into a new level of myself. Especially when it comes to entrepreneurship, I tended to be risk-adverse and avoid getting out of my comfort zone. I wanted to push myself to the next level and grow my small business, as well as my personal brand, diversify my income, and learn more about overcoming my deep-set limiting beliefs that were holding me back.

    What was your experience of The Academy?

    It felt like having a life coach, business mentor, and friend in your corner - who was constantly encouraging you, holding you accountable, and giving tips and tricks to bring my mindset to the next level. I was nervous at first to make the investment but it definitely was worth it. I feel more abundant and confident, knowing things will work out for me, stepping into the next version and level of me with faith and expectation that things will continue to come together. The tangible tips and tricks, meditations, and awareness of how my subconscious mind works, mixed with accountability and encouragement from Jess was the perfect combination at this time of my entrepreneurial journey!

    What results did you achieve from The Academy?

    I had many wins! I know how to regulate my nervous system, I feel confident to take leaps in my business, I started my own podcast, and my money mindset is so much better.

Still not sure?

We’re here to answer any questions you have, fill out the form below and Jess will get back to you.